Our Attorneys
Al Harrison graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering degree from City College of the City University of New York and achieved a Master’s degree In Operations Research from New York University; and achieved a Juris Doctor Law degree from University of Houston Law Center in 1983.
Mr. Harrison has served on the Board of the Houston Intellectual Property Law Association, has served as President of the Houston Area League of PC Users. He is a Life Fellow of the Houston Bar Foundation and a Life Fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation. Al is a Board member of the Texas Bar College and will serve as Chair of its Board during 2023-2024.
Al has served as Chair of the State Bar of Texas Computer and Technology Section and received its Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007. He is Chair of the Privacy, Data Security, and eCommerce Committee of the Business Law Section, and has served on the State Bar’s Professionalism and Law Practice Management Committees, and currently serves as Chair of the Advertising Review Committee.
He was honored as a recipient of Houston Bar Association’s President’s Award in 1989-1990 for providing exceptional service and dedication to the Houston legal community and legal profession. He has served as Chair of the HBA Law Practice Management Section and Chair of the Computer & Online Law Section.
Al has been a member of the Garland R. Walker American Inn of Court and the Nancy F. Atlas Intellectual Property American Inn of Court, and was honored as a 2023 co-recipient of the Garland Walker Inn Innes MacKillop Outstanding Service Award for consistent and active participation and commitment to core values manifest as professionalism, ethics, civility, and excellence; and for contributing to the community at-large.
Al has published numerous articles pertaining to various aspects of technology and intellectual property law; and has served for decades on the Editorial Board of the HBA’s magazine, The Houston Lawyer, including being appointed as guest co-editor on intellectual property litigation issues. He has also written for other journals on a range of topics including “Technology Basics,” “Cybersecurity” and “Cyber-sleuthing,” “Practicing Online Law Ethically,” “Patent Law,” “Attorney Advertising & Social Media,” “Will Robot Lawyers Take Our Jobs” and more. In addition to his prolific writing, Al has been a featured speaker, presenter and panelist dozens of times on technology and intellectual property topics.
Ronnie Harrison graduated with a Bachelor of Education degree from Queens College of the City University of New York and achieved a Juris Doctor law degree from Delaware Law School of Widener University in 1979.
Ms. Harrison was awarded the Family Law Certificate for Outstanding Service by the American Bar Association (“ABA”). She served as Chair of the ABA Family Law Section Specialization and Certification Committee; has been an Executive Member of the Family Law Section Juvenile Law and Needs-of-Children Committee and has been a member of the Mental Health Committee. She also has been an Executive Member of the Criminal Law Section Corrections and Sentencing Committee.
Ronnie was honored as a recipient of the Houston Bar Association President’s Award in 1989-1990 for outstanding service featuring breaking ground as Founding Chair of the Special Olympics Committee and while being Chair of the Criminal Law and Procedure Section.
She has served in several capacities as a member of the State Bar of Texas including Criminal Law Section; Chair of the Women and the Law Section and recipient of the Sarah T. Hughes Women Lawyers of Achievement Award and the Ma’at Justice Award given annually to an individual who actively addresses the needs and issues of women in the legal profession and community; Ms. Harrison also served on the Board of Directors of the Women in the Profession Committee. Ronnie was a member of the Family Law Gulf Coast Specialists and served as Treasurer.
Ronnie has served as an Associate Judge in Houston’s Municipal Courts from 1988-1992. She is Board Certified in Family Law and has been Board Certified in Criminal Law; is a member of the Burta Rhoads Raborn Family Law Inn of Court and is a member of the Garland R. Walker Inn of Court who honored her as 2023 co-recipient of the Garland Walker Inn Innes MacKillop Outstanding Service Award for consistent and active participation and commitment to core values manifest as professionalism, ethics, civility, and excellence; and for contributing to the community at-large.
Ronnie has volunteered in several community organizations including the Houston Area Women’s Shelter as a Council Member; League of Women Voters; and the National Council of Jewish Women as Public Affairs Vice President. She has enthusiastically spent decades mentoring young people functioning as a judge at University of Houston’s National Mock Trial Competitions and at Houston Independent School District Speech and Debate Tournaments. She has guest-lectured to law students at University of Houston, South Texas University, Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University; and has also guest-lectured to undergraduate students at Rice University.